
How to attach images and videos to your post

  • 26 June 2022
  • 1 reply
How to attach images and videos to your post
Userlevel 7
Badge +3
  • monday.com Employee
  • 412 replies

Adding images and videos to your posts can really help describe the question you are asking or the idea you are sharing. It is encouraged to share images and videos when relevant.


Upload images 

You can upload images from your computer to your post by clicking on the small photo icon in the text editor:

File formats that are support: .png, .jpg, .gif)

You can choose to leave the image as an attachment or embed it into your post. To embed your post, enter it at the part of the post where you would like to have the image embedded.


Adding & embedding videos

Videos can be embedded to your post by click on the film roll button:

You can upload your own video file or a link from Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc.


Note: Please copy and paste the original video url, not the url for embedding videos.


You can choose to leave the video as an attachment or embed it into your post. To embed your video, hover your mouse and click on the place where you would like the video to be placed, and click on "place in text".

1 reply

Userlevel 2

Adding images and videos to your posts can really help describe the question you are asking or the idea you are sharing. It is encouraged to share images and videos when relevant.


Upload images 

You can upload images from your computer to your post by clicking on the small photo icon in the text editor:

File formats that are support: .png, .jpg, .gif)

You can choose to leave the image as an attachment or embed it into your post. To embed your post, enter it at the part of the post where you would like to have the image embedded.


Adding & embedding videos

Videos can be embedded to your post by click on the film roll button:

You can upload your own video file or a link from Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc.


Note: Please copy and paste the original video url, not the url for embedding videos.


You can choose to leave the video as an attachment or embed it into your post. To embed your video, hover your mouse and click on the place where you would like the video to be placed, and click on "place in text".

🤗 Now this something new. Done!
