Once you have already checked that your question has not been asked or your comment has not been made (by using the search function), you can create a new topic!
A topic can be a question, conversation or idea.
A question- when you are looking for a specific answer to a challenge you are facing. The correct answers can be marked by the platform moderators.
A conversation- when you want to share a story, create a post, or have a discussion
An idea- When you have any idea related to the community or a feature idea, etc.
Where should I post?
First, you will have to select the correct section for your question, conversation or idea.
When your question is regarding product then start a new topic in Feature Q and A
Should your question be regarding one of the following topics or related to one of your roles, then start a new topic in the relevant groups section. Role-based groups include: Sales, Marketing, Customer Success, Professional Services, Ops and Salesforce, Authorized Partners, and Account Based Prospecting.
How to post:
Once you are in the right section, you can simply click on "create topic" next to your profile picture:
Choose if your topic is a question, conversation or idea based off the descriptions above
Create a title for your post: make it short but descriptive. allow others to identify the subject easily by reading the title.
Describe in detail: here you can and should be as descriptive as possible so that other users have a clear understanding. Add images and videos when relevant
Add tags: the tags should describe the topic you are discussing in keyword. This will help other users to find your topic quicker.