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Hey Partners,


We are happy to launch our new design review process. Now, you can send your visual assets to our design team to receive professional feedback and ensures that it follows our co-branding guidelines*.


When should I use it?


We ask that you submit ALL paid digital marketing assets for review. You are welcome to submit any other visual asset you would like reviewed. 


Who is it for?


Channel partners of all tiers can submit their visual assets for co-branding review.


How does it work?

  1. Submit your asset with this form


  1. Our design team will respond within 14 days via email. Please take this timeline into consideration.


  1. If it is approved, you can go ahead and use the asset 🙂


  1. If it is not approved, the design team will provide feedback and you will be asked to send the adjusted version back via email.


*If you need a refresher on our co-marketing guidelines, you can check them out here.


Feel free to respond with any questions!


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